/Atlas of Weak Signals


About 45 participants were divided into groups of 5 and asked to tackle all the same brief. I joined one of the tables and supported the creatives with strategic input. Besides the handouts, we had to learn by using the actual tool.

  1. Distill the Brief (15 minutes)
    Write down a summary of the provided documentation as a "one-line brief".

  2. Identify initial concepts to develop ideas. (20 minutes)

  3. Make use of the mechanics proposed by the tool,
    The Atlas of Weak Signals (45 minutes)

  4. Present the idea and share learnings. (5 minutes)

/// Objectives

  1. One-line brief
    Connect4Climate needs to raise awareness among sports fans about the negative effects of climate change.

  2. Final idea
    The world's central sporting event is the Olympics, which requires large infrastructures that in many cases are left in total abandonment and decay. Let's make use of this "post apocalyptic" scenario in a campaign that calls for action.

  3. Learnings
    In fact, this tool helps to detect and amplify weak signals and, when used with strategic input, adds "the fun" of looking at new perspectives. Among the 9 teams, this group's Final idea was chosen as the over all favorite.

/// Outcome

/// Workshop

During the High Potentials '23 event organised by the ADC*E, where young talents with creative profiles from all over Europe gathered to showcase the best work of their portfolio on stage, and have a speed-dating round with agencies, we ran a short session of the tool “The Atlas of Weak Signals” in order to introduce the concepts developed by this project.

Bridging the creativity gap is a collaborative project funded by the European Union to address the creative skills gap between education and industry.

Type of Project: Workshop
Client: Connect4climate
Industry:  Nonprofit

Role: Planner
Location: Barcelona
Year:  2023