Over 60 people participated in this challenge. Work groups where allocated randomly, each one supervised by a mentor. At kick-off, we had a 20 minute session with a delegate from the assigned NFPO and briefing handouts.


/Street Academy

Fundación Arrels is a private Spanish foundation dedicated to the care of homeless people in Barcelona. At their store in El Raval, they sell a wide variety of craftsmanship products, some made in collaboration with renowned artists. All-trough its central location, people rarely walk in.

/// Situation

We think little of the homeless. We evade responsibility, blaming it on them. Expecting them to do something, “they just beg”. When we do think about the homeless, we feel negative emotions.

Regret → Extreme weather conditions
Fear → Mental illness, drug dependency
Rejection → Bad hygiene, occupying public spaces

/// Problem

In reality, the worst thing for homeless people is not sleeping on the street, but feeling socially excluded.

Homeless people share the streets with those who have homes, a stark reality of urban life: the coexistence of those with shelter and those without.

/// Insight

/// Opportunity

Use the knowledge from the experience that homeless people have acquired on the street as a bargaining chip. Creating a win-win situation, “I teach you to enjoy the street so that I can get out of it”

Te Falta Calle
An academy where you can learn to enjoy the streets of Barcelona from those who know best how to live in it, turning Arrels store into a cultural hub.

Talks, workshops and exhibitions.
Digital Content: Subscription based quarterly mailing list.
The Official guide: Sold at the store.

How can we make people aware of Te Falta Calle?

Trough a guerrilla marketing campaign, where we place flyers aside of “under construction” street signs saying “Te falta calle? A mi me sobre”, Arrels Foundation logo and a QR code that drives people to a campaign site. 

/// Idea

/// Outcome

Our approach and hard work deliver the best campaign proposal of this year’s event. When the scope is creating positive impact, amazing ideas spark. Just show up, meet new people, let get inspired and turn ON your “sprint-mode”.

/Creative Challenge

BUS84 is a full day event where people gather to creatively solve 10 challenges launched by 10 NGOs related to the UN SDGs.
In the morning, leading professionals provide fresh perspectives into Purpose-Driven Marketing. After lunch, participants grouped and were briefed for a 5-hour sprint, which ended with the presentation of the ideas on stage in front of a jury.

Estefania Aparicio Moriñigo/ Strategy
Martin Felitti / Creative Copywriter
Estela Reyes / Copywriter

Type of Project: Creative Challenge
Client: Fundacion Arrels
Industry:  Nonprofit

Role: Creative Planner
Location: Barcelona
Year:  2023